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Let's put the Joy back in your relationship!

Calling overwhelmed Moms with Daughters...

Support & guidance for the stressed mom. It is my mission to help you to build and grow your family's future and relax on the way there! 

Hol dir die Freude in deine Familie zurück.

Mach dich frei von alten Mustern und Erwartungen, um dein Verhältnis zu deiner Tochter langfristig zu verbessern! Ich bin Mutter und Expertin für Mütter von Töchtern. Nachdem ich selbst nachhaltige Veränderungen in meiner eigenen Familie erlebt habe, habe ich den Schlüssel zur gegenseitigen Wertschätzung und Verbundenheit in unserer Beziehung gefunden.
Lass mich dir helfen, mit deiner Tochter eine Beziehung auf Augenhöhe zu leben. Ich schenke dir alle meine Erfahrungen und mein Wissen.
Mit meinem persönlichen Hintergrund helfe ich dir, festgefahrene Verhaltensmuster zwischen dir und deiner Tochter zu lockern, um dir einen entspannteren Weg durch die Kindheit und Jugend deiner Tochter zu ermöglichen.

Daniela-Schmidt-Parenting Coach

When a child is born,
so is a mom.

As busy moms, there is often a tendency to believe that we must prove to everyone that we can be good moms – even to ourselves. We can drive ourselves mad trying to make everything work perfectly. Is one single idea of perfection even possible in a world full of beautifully unique individuals?


Even though our home life may require our attention and our work life may demand us to expend energy and focus, it is of utmost importance to include ourselves in all of the nurturing behaviors we are trying to establish in our family. This cannot be emphasized enough, if it is truly our goal to escape from endless racing on that Hamster Wheel and instead create experiences of joy and peace in our and our family's lives.


What is your life like now and what would you like to change?


Are you ready to get off spinning on your wheel to turn your life around?

Making the choice to be present with our children and ourselves takes strength, patience and effort. The rewards are huge – your life can become a life filled with love, awareness, less stress, and mutual appreciation.


Book a session below to start growing beyond the overwhelm.

Oesterreich Family Lab


Are you feeling sandwiched between your children and aging parents? 

As a mom trying to balance the responsibility of parenting and caring for aging parents can be overwhelming.

You might feel literally 'sandwiched' between, even trapped in a never-ending cycle of care at such different life stages.


It is possible to manage the needs of multiple generations, to handle the changing roles required to go beyond feeling burdened and emotionally stressed. But it is possible to create space where everyone can co-exist and even complement each other.

Let’s connect and find some practical solutions as to how you can deal with this responsibility.

Meet Me

My passion to assist you as a mom to reclaim your sense of self, to be empowered in your parenting and, to be grounded in a sense of peace and joy comes from my experience in raising a daughter as a single mother myself. 


My desire to live my life in a conscious way has led me to explore how to raise my child with an awareness of the importance of living in integrity, of remembering that everyone has choices, of taking responsibility for myself while considering others.


All this has motivated me to create a coaching business that reaches out to you as a mentor and life coach, to guide you through the parenting years in an empowered, mindful and more relaxed way.

Follow me on Instagram

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