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Access Bars®

Access Bars® is a one-on-one gentle technique which can induce a state of deep relaxation that can activate self-healing and can open a space of awareness in our bodies.


The effects of Access Bars® session can vary from one person to the next. Among the most commonly reported effects of this technique are an increased sense of peace and ease, being less reactive to stressful situations, more restful and deeper sleep, feeling that emotional clutter is cleared, more clarity, motivation in life, and ease of change.

Access Bars® becomes part of many people's lives when they have regular sessions on an ongoing basis.

I invite you to start your journey off the Hamster Wheel with a Bars® session, to move past the intensity of the daily Hamster Wheel, and make real changes in your and your family's lives!

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Access Energetic Facelift®

The Access Energetic Facelift® can give your body a chance to move and transform limiting energies that are locked in your face, head, chest, and body.

The facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities and change the point of view about aging and the self-judgment we carry as we become older.

As a bonus, it can reverse the appearance of aging, help with skin problems, dark rings around the eyes, etc. With repeated treatments (10-20), this process can have more permanent results.

Daniela Schmidt - Access Facelift
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